Advancing Racial Justice and Healing

With over 10 million people from more than 140 countries, Los Angeles is one of the most racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse places in the world. Yet beneath that rich racial and ethnic diversity lies a history of racism that still persists today in the form of inequitable policies, structures, and deeply held beliefs about the hierarchy of human value. The effects of racism permeate policies and social norms around us, influencing how people live, learn, work, and play. Los Angeles is one of 14 communities selected by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to plan and bring about transformational and sustainable change to address the historic and contemporary effects of racism. The Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Los Angeles (TRHT-LA) effort is part of a comprehensive national and community-based process working to eliminate institutional racism through narrative change, racial healing, and cross-sector relationship-building.

Engage R+D has partnered with a cross-sector partnership coordinated by Southern California Grantmakers (SCG) to conduct a developmental evaluation of TRHT-LA. Our team is helping to document the evolution of their collaborative efforts to eliminate structural inequities and barriers to opportunity for Los Angeles’ multi-ethnic populations. We are also assessing progress and building evidence about effective strategies for advancing TRHT-LA’s goals. Insights from our evaluation have helped cross-sector leaders establish a shared understanding of key strategies, impacts, and shared principles to guide their work.


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