Meet the Team: Meghan Hunt

Meet the Team: Meghan Hunt

Our Meet the Team blog series highlights our team, one member at a time. We give you a glimpse into their motivations and approach to working with our partners to achieve better results for communities. Through this feature, we hope that you’ll find a deeper connection to the people and relationships that are central to our work.

Today we’re getting to know Meghan Hunt, our creative and energetic research consultant at Engage R+D.

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Putting Families at the Center: Key Takeaways from the Los Angeles Family Engagement Summit

Putting Families at the Center: Key Takeaways from the Los Angeles Family Engagement Summit

by Ali Miller and Mary Gray

“We will have no impact (on early childhood outcomes) if parents aren’t at the center of our work.”

Engage R+D has been working with the LA Partnership to learn more about family engagement efforts across the region. As part of this work, we helped plan the Summit with a cross-section of field leaders. Participants left the Summit energized, describing it as informative, engaging, empowering and inspiring. Below we share four takeaways from the Summit that captured our attention.

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Meet the Team: Anna Saltzman

Meet the Team: Anna Saltzman

Our Meet the Team blog series highlights our team, one member at a time. We give you a glimpse into their motivations and approach to working with our partners to achieve better results for communities. Through this feature, we hope that you’ll find a deeper connection to the people and relationships that are central to our work.

Today we’re getting to know Anna Saltzman, our skilled and perceptive senior consultant at Engage R+D.

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Intentional Learning and Disrupting Norms: Four Takeaways from the 2019 GEO Learning Conference

Intentional Learning and Disrupting Norms: Four Takeaways from the 2019 GEO Learning Conference

To better integrate learning into all aspects of our work, we as evaluators need to remove the barriers to learning, find ways to spark creativity, and lean into what gives us energy.

Last week, several members of the Engage R+D team presented and participated in the 2019 Learning Conference in Seattle, sponsored by Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) and Philanthropy Northwest. This year’s conference focused on intentional learning practices and brought together a dynamic group of hundreds of learning and evaluation staff from foundations across the country and around the world. While we don’t aim to lift up insights from all of the sessions, we’d like to share four key takeaways that resonate with our practice and inspire our thinking.

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A View from the Outside: 4 Key Takeaways from the Evaluation Roundtable

A View from the Outside: 4 Key Takeaways from the Evaluation Roundtable

by Clare Nolan and Giannina Fehler-Cabral

Last week, we had the opportunity to attend the Evaluation Roundtable convening along with 150 colleagues working in the field of philanthropic evaluation in snow-covered Minneapolis, Minnesota. This event represented a special opportunity to us. The seed for it was planted during discussions of the Funder & Evaluator Affinity Network, an effort co-led by Equal Measure and Engage R+D, which elevated the dearth of spaces for shared learning and professional development among foundation staff and their external evaluation partners. To date, Roundtable participation has been limited to foundation staff only. The inclusion of external evaluation consultants thus represented a departure from the norm and an opportunity to test the value of more inclusive conversations about advancing our shared field.

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What it Takes: Three Ways Funders Can Support Community-Driven Systems Change

What it Takes: Three Ways Funders Can Support Community-Driven Systems Change

by Clare Nolan

More and more funders are pursuing place-based systems change efforts to support long-term, sustainable improvements and outcomes. These grantmaking approaches require funders and grantees to work together in new ways that involve deeper collaboration, continuous learning and adaptation, and attention to power dynamics. In this post, we talk about what it takes for funders to partner deeply with communities to support their systems change efforts.

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Listening, Learning, and Unlearning: Evaluating Racial Equity Efforts

Listening, Learning, and Unlearning: Evaluating Racial Equity Efforts

During the last several years, a constant barrage of events and forces have been challenging our thinking and pushing us to reflect on the role of racism, power, and privilege in our society. Many of us recognize that racism is deeply ingrained in our social fabric and embedded in our political and institutional policies and practices. What role can we as evaluators play in supporting efforts to truly dismantle systemic and cultural racism? What might we need to learn, or un-learn, to advance this work?

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Convening to Connect: Putting Grantees at the Center

Convening to Connect: Putting Grantees at the Center

by Michael Matsunaga

At their best, convenings create space to generate ideas, catalyze collaboration, and inform strategy. But at their worst, they are a waste of precious time--disconnected from real issues and generating limited value for foundations and grantees alike. So, what does it take to bring grantees together in ways they find useful while also generating value for funders? Engage R+D partnered with the James Irvine Foundation last Fall to tackle this question in designing a convening for grantees of the Foundation’s new Fair Work initiative.

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Meet the Team: Erika Takada

Meet the Team: Erika Takada

Our "Meet the Team" blog series highlights our team, one member at a time. We give you a glimpse into their motivations and approach to working with our partners to achieve better results for communities. Through this feature, we hope that you’ll find a deeper connection to the people and relationships that are central to our work.

Today we’re getting to know Erika Takada, an experienced and sharp senior consultant at Engage R+D.

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Meet the Team: Clare Nolan

Meet the Team: Clare Nolan

Our "Meet the Team" blog series highlights our team, one member at a time. We give you a glimpse into their motivations and approach to working with our partners to achieve better results for communities. Through this feature, we hope that you’ll find a deeper connection to the people and relationships that are central to our work.

Today we’re chatting with Clare Nolan, our dynamic and knowledgeable co-founder. We hope that you enjoy getting to know her better.

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Meet the Team: Sonia Taddy-Sandino

Meet the Team: Sonia Taddy-Sandino

Our "Meet the Team" blog series will highlight our team, one member at a time. We’ll give you a glimpse into their motivations and approach to working with our partners to achieve better results for communities. Through this feature, we hope that you’ll find a deeper connection to the people and relationships that are central to our work.

First up is Sonia Taddy-Sandino, our inspiring and thoughtful co-founder. We hope that you enjoy getting to know her better.

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